

Z1300/DFI 1979- CHROME

Art. No. 60426112

3 Reviews

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RRP £421.98 2
£252.85 1


They really do exist! Modern classics from the 1970s and 80s, which enthusiasts love to ride for an outing to meet up with biker friends. But even the finest of "golden oldies" are not immune to the ravages of time. And suddenly the spectre of the next vehicle safety inspection is hovering over man and machine. The problem is a rusted exhaust that's very difficult to replace because it simply isn't made any more! Except perhaps by Marving.

Marving Master silencers or 4-in-2 and 6-in-2 full exhaust systems for various motorbike models with the authentic original look. Exhaust systems with the classic megaphone design, made of chromed and black-chromed steel. These rear silencers are, of course, manufactured to fit the original manifold.

Good to know:
Given the sheer number of classic and modern classic motorbikes, the many different years of manufacture, series and versions for which Marving makes exhaust systems, both slip-on and full systems, it's not possible for us to include installation diagrams for every bike. In order to give a general impression, we have provided images of the different versions (chrome/black chrome) for you to download. You can find further information by clicking the "Documents" button. For each Marving system, there are line drawings which give you an idea of the look of the exhaust, how it fits together and all the parts which the system comprises.

Important information:
Marving slip-on exhausts and full systems are manufactured to high-quality standards, and in some cases are hand-made for your specific motorcycle, in Italy. For this reason, you should allow a delivery time of approx. 2-3 weeks. Of course, we will do our best to fulfil every order as speedily as possible.

Reviews (3)
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