Polishing Tools & Wirebrushes

Polishing Tools & Wirebrushes

Polishing tools and Wirebrushes: Dirt, rust and scratches are the last things you want on your motorbike. So Louis offers wire brushes, both for manual use and as drill attachments, for a wide variety of uses. You can also buy wet-sanding paper in a range of grit sizes. And for the fine finishing, Louis supplies sets comprising polishing mops and polishing wax.

product Brushes
Polishing Set "Profi"
Polishing Set "Standard"
spark plug brush
Polishing Tools & Wirebrushes

Polishing tools and Wirebrushes: Dirt, rust and scratches are the last things you want on your motorbike. So Louis offers wire brushes, both for manual use and as drill attachments, for a wide variety of uses. You can also buy wet-sanding paper in a range of grit sizes. And for the fine finishing, Louis supplies sets comprising polishing mops and polishing wax.

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