Tyre Care & Accessories

Tyre Care & Accessories

You have lots of choice in tyre accessories at Louis. The range extends from pressure gauges and tread depth gauges to tyre repair sets and tyre fitting tools, not to mention valve adapters and tyre warmers for racing, and more besides. In a word, you can buy everything that is useful for tyre maintenance from Louis.

Repair String
Tyre Repair Kit
Tyre Sealant
RRP Β£10.29 Β£10.001
(1 l = Β£42.171)
Valve Cap Key
Tyre Care & Accessories

You have lots of choice in tyre accessories at Louis. The range extends from pressure gauges and tread depth gauges to tyre repair sets and tyre fitting tools, not to mention valve adapters and tyre warmers for racing, and more besides. In a word, you can buy everything that is useful for tyre maintenance from Louis.

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