Motorcycle License Plate Brackets

Motorcycle License Plate Brackets

License plate holders are still an important topic for bikers, even if the days of the clunky old metal brackets are long gone. If you're giving your machine a tail conversion, you'll find a suitable license plate holder is essential. The range from Louis includes everything from the side-mounted version for choppers to the custom-made tail conversion kit for many sports and naked bikes. You can also buy screw/bolt sets and license plate frames at Louis.

RRP Β£67.65 Β£42.281
license plate holder
from Β£84.551
Motorcycle License Plate Brackets

License plate holders are still an important topic for bikers, even if the days of the clunky old metal brackets are long gone. If you're giving your machine a tail conversion, you'll find a suitable license plate holder is essential. The range from Louis includes everything from the side-mounted version for choppers to the custom-made tail conversion kit for many sports and naked bikes. You can also buy screw/bolt sets and license plate frames at Louis.

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