Motorcycle Clutch Levers

Motorcycle Clutch Levers

There are essentially three reasons to be interested in motorcycle clutch levers. Firstly: the motorcycle has toppled over and the clutch lever has been broken off (it happens a lot more frequently than you may think). Secondly: the clutch lever is not adjustable and doesn't fit the left hand of the rider (this is also a frequent occurrence). Thirdly: a clutch lever that is made from billet aluminium and colour anodised is a great decorative addition to your motorcycle. Luckily, all motorcycle riders will find the right clutch lever at Louis.

clutch lever
RRP Β£67.65 from Β£25.371
Motorcycle Clutch Levers

There are essentially three reasons to be interested in motorcycle clutch levers. Firstly: the motorcycle has toppled over and the clutch lever has been broken off (it happens a lot more frequently than you may think). Secondly: the clutch lever is not adjustable and doesn't fit the left hand of the rider (this is also a frequent occurrence). Thirdly: a clutch lever that is made from billet aluminium and colour anodised is a great decorative addition to your motorcycle. Luckily, all motorcycle riders will find the right clutch lever at Louis.

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