Motorcycle Brake Lines

Motorcycle Brake Lines

Stock brake lines for hydraulic motorcycle brakes are usually made of rubber. Over time, the rubber ages and stretches due to the constant pressure. As a result, you lose some braking force between lever and brake calliper, and braking becomes less effective and less controllable. New brake lines can make a world of difference. Especially if you install steel-braided brake lines. The sheath of braided steel ensures high braking performance, a crisp pressure point and, moreover, the lines have a much longer useful life. At Louis you will find ready assembled brake line kits with type approval for many motorcycles, including older models.

Braided-Steel Clutch Lines
RRP Β£62.58 from Β£49.741
Brake Fluid Reservoir
from Β£16.301
Brake Hose For Rear Sets
RRP Β£41.12 Β£29.971
Brake Light Switch
from Β£17.131
Brake-Line Kit, front
RRP Β£51.43 from Β£38.031
Brake-Line Kit, Rear
RRP Β£41.97 from Β£17.141
Steel-Braided Hoses, 25 Up To 126 cm
RRP Β£23.98 from Β£15.431
Vario Connection In Three Colours,
RRP Β£9.40 from Β£7.641
Vario Connection In Three Colours,
RRP Β£9.40 from Β£7.661
Vario Connection In Three Colours,
RRP Β£11.10 from Β£10.581
Vario Connection In Three Colours,
RRP Β£9.40 from Β£7.641
Motorcycle Brake Lines

Stock brake lines for hydraulic motorcycle brakes are usually made of rubber. Over time, the rubber ages and stretches due to the constant pressure. As a result, you lose some braking force between lever and brake calliper, and braking becomes less effective and less controllable. New brake lines can make a world of difference. Especially if you install steel-braided brake lines. The sheath of braided steel ensures high braking performance, a crisp pressure point and, moreover, the lines have a much longer useful life. At Louis you will find ready assembled brake line kits with type approval for many motorcycles, including older models.

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